Battalion History

History of Army ROTC at the University of Georgia

The University of Georgia has had a long and proud partnership with the Army since military training began in 1807.  From state musters to the Civil War, the University has educated many brilliant military minds, including Henry L. Benning and John B. Gordon.  The National Defence Act of 1916 led to the official development of the Reserve Office Training Corps (ROTC), which is constantly changing to meet the personnel needs of the modern U.S. Army.  The University of Georgia continues to educate future leaders that serve in the community, the state, and across the nation.

Early Years of Army ROTC and UGA

Military training began in 1807 with state musters, leading to student organizations like College Rifelmen and Franklin Blues.   These student companies participated in the Seminole War and the War of 1812.  The Morrill Act of 1862 introduced military training into academic curriculums, granting land to institutions for teaching military tactics.  The National Defense Act of 1916, created the ROTC program.  The program offered two divisions:  senior for colleges and universities and junior for pubic or private secondary students.

During the years of the Civil War, classes diminished to the point where Chancellor Lipscomb had to close the University in 1864. Students felt a duty to the South in that they believed they represented the best leadership in the state. Units such as the Mell Rifles and Lipscomb Volunteers were organized. Those who marched off to war were called the "Rock Boys from Athens." Even the students who were declared incapable of bearing arms organized themselves into a unit called the Mitchell Thunderbolts. Although they were not under direct command, the Thunderbolts drilled three days a week and guarded prisoners of war during the War Between the States.
In 1904 the first Cadets attended new summer camps for further military training.  Army ROTC became official at Georgia on June 30, 1919 by Chancellor David Barrow. On October 8, 1919 a cavalry unit was established which lasted until World War II.

Army ROTC during the World War Era

After war was declared on Germany in April 1917, that year's senior class volunteered en masse.  They received their degrees before actual work completion by special action of the Board of Trustees.  In perhaps the most dramtic graduation ceremony the seniors received their diplomas wearing khaki uniforms instead of the traditional cap and gown.  A khaki-colored cover dedicated to the students in the armed forces bound the 1918 Pandora, the University yearbook.  During World War I, the University priortized military education over academics, resulting in a significant military organization.  Out of 3152 Georgia graduates who served in World War I, nearly half were officers and 46 lost their lives.

Memorial Hall, dedicated in 1924 was funded by Georiga alumni to honor those who lost their lives in World War I.  Despite some opposition to military training after the war, Cadets still drilled twice a week in their distinctive blue uniforms.  In 1924, the University of  Georgia was recognized by the War Department as a distinguished college for its military program.  A portion of text from the 1931 Pandora stated that, "ROTC is for military defense, developing character, leadership, and good citizenship, which is the proper aim of all education."  In 1932, two years of ROTC became mandatory for students who passed physical fitness and aptitude test, with advanced program entry heavily influcned by Congressional funding.  According to the 1956 Pandora, entering the senior program required passing a board review, a physical exam, and demonstrating moral character and leadership potential.

Through the early 20th century, the University offered training in three branches:  Cavalry, Infantry, and Motor Transport.  The Cavalry branch, symbolizing the gallant cavalier, was particulary popular.  Students cared for horses at the Georgia Center stables and engaged in daily riding activiities.  Cavalry cadets drilled and played polo on the field between Old College and Candler Hall.  There were also performances by the trick riding club, the Monkey Drill Team.  Riding was favored over walking by students whenever possible.  Calvary evolved into Armor after World War II, but in 1956 the branch differentiations were dropped and curriculum was organized under the category of General Military Science.  The Advanced Program selected sudents for summer camp training at Fort Oglethorpe, Tennessee for Cavalry and Fort McClellan, Alabama for Infantry.  From 1918 to 1940, over a thousand students commissioned as Lieutenants.

With concerns of war rising, the University prepared to aid the country.  ROTC graduates from the Class of 1940 immediately entered the service.  In 1943, the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) began at the University Medical School, preparing student for military service.  A similar Navy program was established  in 1943.

In 1944 Cavalry and Infantry regiments were combined into a basic training program for the duration of the war due to war department requests. This action, in retrospect, was to signal the end of the cavalry at Georgia. A total of 8863 University of Georgia graduates participated in World War II, of which 288 never returned.

Following World War II the Air Force was established in 1947, and a separate unit was formed at the University in 1950.  Once again, during the Korean Conflict 3421 University graduates went to war and 17 were killed in action.

The Modern Army ROTC at UGA

Prior to ROTC becoming optional in 1969 at the University of Georgia, military training was mandatory for male students.  Many graduates pursued distingushed military carees, with some rising to the rank of 4-Star General.  UGA prouldy claims several general officers currently serving on active duty.

Scabbard and Blade, the national military honor society, was established at the University in 1920, and except for the period between 1930 and 1935, has been an active and contributing part to ROTC life at Georgia.  Dean Emeritus William Tate, when in ROTC in the 1920s, received $18 per month for drilling.  As of 2024, this increased to $450 for contracted Cadets along with many scholarship opportunities that are now available.  The University of Georgia's Military Science Department has evolved over the years and remains a crucial part of the University providing training for future military leaders.  ROTC graduates exemplify the ideals of the Univeristy of Georgia and embrace the Army ROTC core principles of leadership and excellence.